Saturday, October 27, 2007

White mini violet blooming

This is the third blooming of one of the white miniature violets. See the Saturday May 5th post to see both of them. It is wicked, which means there is a string running from the bottom of the pot ( in this case a plastic 2 oz solo cup) into a container of water with plant food in it. It is quite a bit bigger than the other plant it was divided from( it was a sucker off the main stem) which isn't wicked. Two more babies are growing from the stem and will have to be divided soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh it is beautiful.....I can't wait for my leaves to become flowering plants!! Patience is not one of my better traits!

Weaving tools

This scarf is made from Mandala yarn in Parrot. The color changes are too long,am not real happy with the large patches of colors. The y...